How does a CSA create new users?
Corporate Super Administrators can follow the steps below to create additional Admin users and/or CSAs, and specify exactly which Corporate and Operating Accounts the new user(s) should have access to.
Select 'USERS' from the left-hand menu, and then click ‘Create user’
Input the new user's details and click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the screen
Choose one of the three User Roles from 'Select role' dropdown and then click ‘Add resource’.
Select the relevant Corporate Account, and then 'Select access' --
- Corporate access - grants access to the Corporate Account plus all associated Operating Accounts
- Operation access - enables you to multi-select which Operating Account(s) the user should have access to
Press 'Select' once complete and then 'Create' to finish
The new user will receive an instant email verification prompting them to sign in