Most popular
Where can I find the password required to authenticate my online transaction?
You can find this password in the app, by tapping '3D Secure' within the settings menu.
What should I do if my card is lost or stolen?
Don’t worry. You can lock your card instantly via the app and order a replacement.
How do I move funds between my Operating Accounts?
If you are a Corporate Super Administrator (CSA) you can move funds between your accounts using the 'Quick Transfer' feature on the 'MASTER DASHBOARD'.
What should I do if I've forgotten my PIN?
You can get an instant PIN reminder using the Centtrip app
How do I check my card limits in the app?
As a cardholder, you can check your withdrawal and card spend limits easily using the Centtrip app.
What are the different user roles and permissions?
There are 3 different user roles; 'Corporate Super Administrator', 'Corporate Administrator' and 'Corporate Administrator - Read only'