What type of business registration documents can I provide for my Centtrip application?
Examples of acceptable business registration documents include:
Please note - registration documents vary by state and may bear a different name to the examples above.
Documents must also be:
- Issued by a reliable, independent source such as the local commercial register of the country where the business is registered.
- Dated within 12 months of the application, or contain a signature and a state of affairs with a date not older than 12 months. This means a certificate of incorporation may not be accepted
The document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 2 pages)
- Size:
- PDFs for legal arrangement documents: minimum 1 KB, maximum 25 MB
- Other PDFs and other formats: minimum 1 KB, maximum 4 MB
If you have any questions, please speak to your Account Manager.