What are my fees?

You can find a breakdown of subscription fees and limits in our Terms and Conditions.

Card usage fees are as follows:

Local Transactions (US):

Transaction Type Fee Further Detail
ATM withdrawal (US) $3.00 Per withdrawal. A charge may be added by third party ATM providers
POS US (PIN/Signature/Contactless) $0.00 Per transaction

International Transactions (Non-US):

Transaction Type Fee Further Detail
ATM (International) with currency conversion $3.00 + 1.5% of transaction amount Per withdrawal. A charge may be added by third party ATM providers
POS International (non-US) with currency conversion (PIN/Signature/Contactless) 1.5% of transaction amount Per transaction

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing team@centtrip.com or calling us on +1-929-930-3383 (Monday to Friday 8:30 to 17:30 Eastern time).