How do I order more cards?
Corporate Super Administrators can order cards directly within their Centtrip account.
- Sign into your account and select 'MANAGE CARDS' from the left-hand menu.
- Click on 'Card orders' using the tabs at the top of the page.
- Use the dropdowns to select a Corporate Account and Operating Account and click 'Next'.
- Select a delivery address, or add a new one.
- Click the 'Download template' button.
- Enter details of the cards you wish to order into the template, noting the on-screen validation requirements.
- Once complete, upload the completed template and click 'Next'.
- Visit the 'Batch card result' tab to check the status of your upload.
If any cards have failed, please review and correct any errors and re-upload these.
If a card has been lost or stolen, you can find instructions to safeguard your balance before ordering a replacement here.